Trenching and Shoring Training & Certification for Construction

Trenching and Shoring Training & Certification for Construction

Trenching and shoring are crucial processes in the construction industry. However, these processes are associated with various hazards that pose a significant threat to the safety and health of workers. As a result, it is necessary to undergo training and obtain certification to prevent these hazards and ensure the safety of all personnel involved.

One of the most significant risks associated with working in an excavated trench is an unexpected cave-in. This can occur suddenly and without warning, trapping workers and causing injuries or fatalities. Additionally, other hazards include falls, falling objects, lack of oxygen in a close space, breathing toxic fumes, flooding, contact with natural gas lines, and electrical cables (both buried and overhead).

Studies have shown that excavation work is one of the most hazardous types of work in the construction industry. Injuries from excavation work tend to be severe and can often result in fatalities. Unfortunately, a significant number of deaths and injuries in sewer and water main work are directly related to trenching. These incidents are primarily caused by cave-ins, which can result in suffocation or crushing when a worker is buried by falling soil.

Despite the fact that accidents may seem unlikely, it is crucial to prepare and plan for emergencies when undertaking excavation operations. Pre-planning of excavation operations can greatly reduce the risk of injuries and/or facilities on the worksite. It is therefore necessary to receive training and certification in trenching and shoring to ensure that personnel are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to prevent hazards and respond appropriately to emergencies.