Due Diligence Law Online Training Course and Certification

Due Diligence Law Online Training Course and Certification

We are pleased to offer an online training course and certification program on Due Diligence Law. The purpose of this course is to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws and regulations, which are essential for creating a safe and healthy work environment and preventing accidents or injuries.

It is important to note that while this course covers essential components of OHS laws, it is not intended to cover all aspects with which learners must comply. Instead, learners are encouraged to refer to their province's Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulations, and Codes, as well as their company policies, for more detailed information.

The Due Diligence and the Law course emphasizes the importance of being aware of OHS laws and regulations to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. It covers key topics such as Due Diligence, Legislation, Roles and Responsibilities, Worker Rights, Competent Supervisor, Safety Committee, Workplace Inspections, Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying, Hazard Recognition, Training, Reporting and Investigations, and Non-Compliance.

By completing this course, learners will gain valuable knowledge and skills required to maintain a safe and healthy work environment. They will also earn a certification that demonstrates their commitment to promoting occupational health and safety in their workplace. Our online training course and certification program on Due Diligence Law is designed to provide learners with the necessary tools and resources to comply with OHS laws and regulations while promoting a safe and healthy work environment.